Hi there, I’m Kellianne, a creative professional photographer based in the North West. I’m originally
from down south and now live just outside Manchester in the beautiful Peak District. I feel so lucky to
have a job that is also my passion and spend each day being grateful that I get to tell peoples’ stories
for a living.
With over 15 years experience in photography, I specialise in weddings and fashion and love the fact
that each shoot is completely different. I’m happiest behind the camera, telling your story and catching
the smallest of moments that later on may mean so much. Capturing emotions and feelings and telling
stories keeps everyday magical for me and I will never tire of creating images that make people happy.
Whether it’s catching a tear during wedding speeches or creating fashion images that tell a story
looking at life through a lens is my favourite way to see at the world.
My style is natural, romantic and carefree. I love movement in shots, from the breeze lifting a veil to
confetti raining down on a couples head. I love earthy tones and natural light, shooting in the Autumn
is my absolute favourite. I am forever chasing the wonderful golden hour and sunset shots will always
have the biggest place in my heart.
Since moving out to the country side I will often be found climbing a hill for a sunrise, spending time
outdoors and with my family or travelling in search of the perfect beach or idyllic spot. I love meeting
new people and chatting about travel, good food and good wine, so please feel free to call or message me
if you have any photography project you think I could help with or just fancy a char about anything to
do with photography, I would love to hear from you.
If you would like to read about other peoples experiences with me please check out my five star reviews.
About Me

Thanks to the wonderful lanajohnsonvideo.com for capturing me in action